IP to Location

IP to location

Using data publicly available from the 5 Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) we are able to generate a stream of objects detailing Internet resource allocations. We call these NIC Objects (Network Information Centre Objects).

Here is the list of the 5 RIRs.

Using the list of NIC objects, we extract those that concern IPv4 address ranges (INETNUM) , then using the Baremaps Geocoder API, we iterate through the extracted NIC objects to geo-locate each one of them.

The resulting geo-localised IPv4 address ranges are stored in a SQLite database which can be easily queried to geo-locate a specific IP.

A NIC object contains a list of attributes but these attributes are not consistent between each NIC object. We try to use these 4 attributes to query the Geocoder service :

  • address contains the address of the NIC Object
  • descr sometimes contains the address of the NIC Object
  • country contains the country code in ISO format (ISO 3166)
  • geoloc contains the latitude and longitude which can be used directly

Some NIC Objects contain a reference to an organisation, and the organisation's NIC Object itself contains the geo-localisation information. However, we don't make use of that for now.

The structure of the RIPE database should be applicable to all the RIRs.

Generating the IP to location database

A workflow is a directed acyclic graph of steps executed by Baremaps. To download and import the sample OSM data in Postgres, execute the following workflow (opens in a new tab).

baremaps workflow execute --file examples/ip-to-location/workflow.js

Depending on the size of the OpenStreetMap file, the execution of this command may take some time. Eventually, the output produced by the command should look as follows.

[INFO ] 2022-12-08 12:56:05.417 [main] Execute - Executing the workflow examples/ip-to-location/workflow.js
[INFO ] 2022-12-08 12:56:06.031 [pool-2-thread-1] DownloadUrl - Downloading to downloads/ripe.db.gz
[INFO ] 2022-12-08 12:56:06.031 [pool-2-thread-2] DownloadUrl - Downloading to downloads/
[INFO ] 2022-07-26 09:48:21.368 [main] Workflow - Finished executing workflow examples/ip-to-location/workflow.js
iploc serve --database iploc.db --port 3000

Code usage

In order to generate the SQLite database that contains the geo-localised IP address ranges you must follow a few steps.

  1. First you need to load/build a Geocoder which will be used to query the addresses contained in the NIC objects.
Geocoder geocoder = new GeonamesGeocoder(indexPath, dataUri);;
  1. Then you need to generate a Stream of NIC Objects. You can use the Nic Fetcher to automatically download all of the NIC Objects from the 5 RIRs.
Stream<Path> nicPathsStream = new NicFetcher().fetch();
Stream<NicObject> nicObjectStream =
    nicPathsStream.flatMap(nicPath -> {
        try {
            return NicParser.parse(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(nicPath)));
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return Stream.empty();
  1. You need to create the IpLoc service, giving the target SQLite database url and the geocoder in the second parameter
SqliteUtils.executeResource(databaseUrl, "iploc_init.sql"); // Init the SQLite database
IpLoc ipLoc = new IpLoc(databaseUrl, geocoder);
  1. Finally insert the stream of NIC objects in the database with the IpLoc service


There are many improvements that need to be worked on to improve the Iploc module, refer to the Github issues with the tag iploc if you want to contribute.
